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💟 St. Valentine's Day 💟

What about love?

Love is an inexplicable feeling, is something that cannot be described in mere words, it can only be felt with the heart. Because love is fire, flame, light and turbulence, love is that feeling that makes you smile and cry at the same time , love is that strong pain inside your chest that doesn’t kill but destroys your soul and heart inside.


When you fall in love, your world seems only make sense if that person is there every day, you wake up every day thinking about him and what to do to conquer him. At that very moment , you are Lost in the middle of nowhere because you feel that your life is gone at the moment that this passion also ended, you feel that nothing is worthwhile because the only thing you want was for him to love you the same way you love him !💔 

Happy Valentine’s Day!




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International Women's Day (Interdisciplinary work done by 10ºB Students)

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